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Ovillo espinoso
carboncillo sobre papel vegetal (4 hojas) 110x110

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carboncillo sobre papel vegetal (3 hojas) 110x110

Marina Surovikova nace en Moscú donde estudia Bellas Artes especializándose en Metal Artístico. Es diseñadora de joyas y pintora. En Rusia ha participado a numerosas exposiciones y es miembro de la Unión de Artistas de Rusia. Desde 2015 vive en Madrid, ha ilustrado libros de la infancia y se dedica a dibujo, pintura e ilustración. Es miembro de AVAM (Artistas Visuales Asociados de Madrid).
Marina Surovikova was born in Moscow where she studied Fine arts and specialized in Artistic Metal. She is a jewellery designer and painter. In Russia participated to several exhibition and is a member of the Russian Artists Union. She has been living in Madrid since 2015, has illustrated children books and dedicates herself to drawing, painting and illustration. Is a member of AVAM (Artistas Visuales Asociados de Madrid).
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